Wellness Wednesday, Work-Life Balance, Stress Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S Wellness Wednesday, Work-Life Balance, Stress Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S


I was thinking about Escapism and how prevalent it is to immerse ourselves outside our reality. Is it healthy? Should we be concerned about Escapism?

Watching ten consecutive hours of the same show would seem unusual a few years ago, but now it is just a random Saturday. I have some thoughts about what that amount of content does to the brain, but we will save that for another time. Right now, I want us to consider what we are escaping from and why.

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Self-Care is no longer an option….it is mandatory!
Self-Care, Stress, Wellness, Work-Life Balance, Wellness Wednesday Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S Self-Care, Stress, Wellness, Work-Life Balance, Wellness Wednesday Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S

Self-Care is no longer an option….it is mandatory!

If you live on earth like me, you have noticed that many negative things happen everywhere we look. Everything from inequity in education to the opioid crisis to COVID to mass shootings… things can seem as though they are all bad.

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I Can’t Breathe
Breathing, Stress, Self-Care, Wellness Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S Breathing, Stress, Self-Care, Wellness Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S

I Can’t Breathe

Unless you have a medical condition, breathing is done mostly without effort. We do it every day, all day long, so of course, we know how… right? Wrong! I am here to tell you that our breathing techniques are inadequate. Of course, it is enough to keep us alive, but is our technique promoting the relaxing benefits that appropriate breathing can bring? Only you know.

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Social Media Stress
Stress Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S Stress Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S

Social Media Stress

You have heard the expression “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence,” right? We generally understand this phrase to mean situations tend to look better for other people when looking from a distance. Although we may say the phrase all of the time, do we really believe it?

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Stress, Work-Life Balance Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S Stress, Work-Life Balance Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S


Has this ever happened to any of you? You are more than halfway to wherever you are going. Traffic is heavy, and you hope to make it to your destination on time. Then it happens!! You realize…. GASP… you have forgotten your phone at home! For many of us, no matter the circumstances, we will turn around to retrieve the phone. Why is that?

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