Being Comfortable with Discomfort
Wellness Wednesday Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S Wellness Wednesday Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S

Being Comfortable with Discomfort

No one wants to be uncomfortable. We are all human and strive to have the best life possible. Free from as much discomfort as possible. Over the last few years, I have discovered something. Sometimes, there is a blessing in the uncomfortable parts of life. Many of us would be on a mundane perpetual loop of life if we did not have the discomfort that life often brings to move us forward.

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Fear and Burnout
Wellness Wednesday, Burnout, Fear Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S Wellness Wednesday, Burnout, Fear Dr. Kimberly VanBuren, PhD, LMFT/LPC-S

Fear and Burnout

As a young therapist, I thought working for an agency was the only way to succeed. A hospital or non-profit agency that kept my schedule, found my clients, and did all the prep work for me. So, that is what I did. One day, I thought, "Why don't I open a private practice?" Then the fear monster crept in and told me it was too hard, I wouldn't get enough clients, and I would not be able to support myself.

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